Part 2 of PCOS series

  • Posted By admin
  • Posted On 15th Jan, 2021

Video link- Part 2 of our “PCOS- A deep dive” series:

Brief summary of this week’s discussion


• Sleep duration and sleep pattern does affect PCOS.
• Adequate sleep is important for proper insulin performance, among other body functions.
• [Interesting fact- study on young healthy men, just 3 days of inadequate sleep (less than 8 hours at night) led to development of insulin resistance].
• Sleep wake cycle (circadian rhythm) is very deeply connected to exposure to light, noise, etc.
• It is important to ensure that there is no exposure to external light at night, for proper sleep and for proper functioning of “night hormones”.
• [Interesting fact- with respect to day/night -sleep wake cycle, it was found that slowing down of “day hormones” and activation of “night hormones” happen even in those who are blind! Thus, it suggests that it is not just your visual senses which are attune to changes in sunlight, but other senses as well.]
• Lack of adequate sleep may hamper in weight loss, despite vigorous exercise.
• Travelling through time zones / jet lag impacts your body- can commonly cause delayed periods.
• Adequate water intake – 3-4 Litres/day is essential for optimal health and body functions. Lack of adequate water can cause cramps, muscle aches, headaches.
• Changes in gut microbiome impacts your body’s health.
• Pay attention to your body’s cues- with respect to sleep, hunger signals, thirst signals, and satiety signals.