Benefits of Exercise in management of PCOS/insulin resistance [Recap below]
- Exercise = aerobic workout, flexibility workout, and weight/strength workout
- CONSISTENT exercise (with a healthy diet) helps to reduce insulin resistance, thereby reduce glucose levels, regularise periods, improve fertility, reduce stress, improves mood, improves sleep
- Metabolic effect of exercise lasts for about 18-24 hours, thus, its important to make it a part of regular routine.
- Exercise is not JUST a method of losing weight. It is a necessary essential part of daily life. Movement is needed by the body for adequate metabolic function.
- [Interesting study regarding weight loss in men vs. women – at 18:28]
- Myths and truths discussed:
- Women doing workout with weights WILL NOT make them bulk up.
- Muscle tone is very important for men and women, in terms of insulin resistance and hormonal function.
- There is no such thing as “spot reduction” with exercise.
- Pregnancy is not a contraindication for exercise.
- On the contrary, it is very important to “keep moving” during pregnancy.
- You can workout anytime- no need to wait for fasting state, early morning, etc.
- Just avoid exercising “immediately” after a heavy meal.
- You can exercise (ex.walking) morning, afternoon, evening, or even after half hour after dinner.
- Protein supplements are not necessary for working out/losing weight. [42:44]
- Women doing workout with weights WILL NOT make them bulk up.
- “Ditch the scale.” – Weighing scales vary minute to minute. It shows your weight, which is influenced by water, muscle, fat, bone. Water weight especially makes the scale weight variable.
- Don’t be so dependent on what the weighing scale says. Your mood, body size, blood parameters are much better ways to track your health.